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Quick Walkthrough

Initialize from a Data Array

The example below demonstrates how to create a ScatterChart that compares age and weight data. The chart data is represented as an array of arrays, with the first row defining the column names and subsequent rows representing the data points.

import { Chart } from "react-google-charts";

const options = {
title: "Age vs. Weight Comparison",
hAxis: { title: "Age", viewWindow: { min: 0, max: 15 } },
vAxis: { title: "Weight", viewWindow: { min: 0, max: 15 } },
legend: "none",

const data = [
// Columns
["Age", "Weight"],
// Columns can also be objects
// ["Age", { type: "number", label: "Weight" }]
// Rows
[8, 12],
[4, 5.5],
[11, 14],
[4, 5],
[3, 3.5],
[6.5, 7],


Key Highlights

  • chartType: Defines the type of chart, e.g., "ScatterChart".
  • data: Represents the chart data in array format.
  • options: Customizes the chart's look and behavior (axis titles, ranges, legend settings).
  • width & height: Control the chart's dimensions.
  • legendToggle: Allows user toggling of the chart visibility using the legend.

Listen to Chart Events

react-google-charts also supports event listeners, enabling you to trigger callbacks when chart interactions occur. For example, you can log the selected chart items on a ScatterChart using the select event.

import { Chart } from "react-google-charts";

const chartEvents = [
eventName: "select",
callback({ chartWrapper }) {
console.log("Selected ", chartWrapper.getChart().getSelection());
eventName: "ready",
callback({ chartWrapper }) {
console.log("Chart ready. ", chartWrapper.getChart());
eventName: "error",
callback(args) {
console.log("Chart errored. ", args);

const data = [
["age", "weight"],
[8, 12],
[4, 5.5],
[11, 14],
[4, 5],
[3, 3.5],
[6.5, 7],

const options = {
title: "Age vs. Weight Comparison",
hAxis: { title: "Age", viewWindow: { min: 0, max: 15 } },
vAxis: { title: "Weight", viewWindow: { min: 0, max: 15 } },
legend: "none",


Event Highlights

  • eventName: Specifies the event to listen for (e.g., "select" | "error" | "ready").
  • callback: The function that gets triggered when the event occurs, providing access to the chart instance and event data.

More Examples

Explore more use cases and live, editable examples by visiting our Examples Page. Whether you're looking to create bar charts, pie charts, or more complex visualizations like timelines and maps, these examples will help you get started quickly.

Additional Resources

Happy charting!